If you've never sold a mortgage note before, then you're new to working with Note Buyers. What do you need to know, and what should you expect? Who Are Note …
Seller Financed Note Blog
Can I Sell A Portion of A Mortgage Note?
Yes! You can sell only a portion of a mortgage note. It's called a partial, and Sellers do it all the time. How Do Partials Work? Most people think about …
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Note Partials: A Powerful Financial Strategy
Note partials have long been a favorite strategy of mine. Although they aren't right for every circumstance, they seem to have a place during good financial …
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Protecting A Seller Financed Note
Are you concerned with protecting a seller-financed note? The buyer missing payments isn't your only worry. Many sellers focus so much on receiving payments, …
How Much Is My Mortgage Note Worth?
Receiving payments on a mortgage note? Wondering how much it's worth? The value of a note or contract is affected by a few factors, including: Down …
Increase Note Value With Payment Histories
Want to receive as much as possible when selling your real estate note? Payment histories increase a note's value Here's a point we at Porch Swing …
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Safekeeping Mortgage Note Documents
Storing the Original Mortgage Note It may seem like a simple matter, but safekeeping a Mortgage Note in a safe place is, sometimes, easier said than done. A …